Publication Ethics

Turkish Journal of Diabetes Nursing (TJDN) is the official scientific journal of Diabetes Nursing Association. TJDN is a peer-review journal that aims to reach all national and international institutions and individuals free of charge.

The editorial and publication processes of the journal are shaped in accordance with the guidelines of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the (Committee on Publication Ethics) (COPE).

- TJDN accepts in principle to comply with the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki. Therefore, for experimental, clinical, and drug researches, the name, number, and date of the ethics committee for which the approval of the ethics committee was obtained in the Material and Method section of the manuscript should be specified under a separate title. If necessary, a copy of the ethics committee approval may be requested from the authors by the editor. It is the author's responsibility to protect the privacy of patients' identities.

- The submitted articles should not have been published elsewhere or have not been sent for publication.

-All copyrights of the submitted articles belong to the journal and they cannot be published, reproduced, and used without reference in any other place without the permission of TJDN. In addition, legal responsibilities that may arise from the articles in the study belong to the authors of the study.

- If the study was included in a symposium as a paper or derived from a thesis, this should be stated on the first page of the study by the authors.

- Conflicts of interest should be stated in the cover letter.